Photo courtesy: Rolling Grocer, Hudson, NY

Effective organizations have clear goals and practical strategies, a diverse and involved board, visionary executive leadership, a talented staff team, and an engaged donor community.


My expertise in nonprofit strategy is rooted in my practical experience as a CEO, where I led staff and board teams through strategic planning processes that achieved organizational growth and impact. Previously, I developed program strategies and managed grantmaking for a large statewide foundation, including nonprofit capacity-building grant programs. This dual experience has enabled me to apply and evaluate best practices in strategy, nonprofit effectiveness, and organizational development.

  • Visioning and Strategy

    Strategic planning is the leading edge of a process that strengthens community connections, enhances organizational capacity, and empowers the board and staff.

    Based on his experience, Peter has developed a strategic planning frameworkto guide a process grounded in community input, research, analysis, and strategic discussions. This planning process also helps to build essential skills and aptitudes that remain within the organization long after the planning process is complete. This process can be adapted to meet client expectations on depth of process desired. 

    Depending on the desired scope of the process, Peter can draw on the expertise of consulting partners who have specialized expertise in evaluation, trends and demographic analyses, communications, and assessing and strengthening organizational culture.

  • Organizational Development

    As organizations expand their strategies, they need to build capacity to achieve more ambitious goals, manage larger program portfolios, and meet fundraising requirements.

    Peter offers technical assistance, training, and coaching to support your organization’s development, growth, and impact in the following areas:

    o Leadership Coaching

    o Board Training and Development

    o Annual Planning and Budget Development to Support Strategic Goals

    o Assessments of Program Delivery, Staffing Structures, and Fundraising Programs

  • Coalitions and Collaboration

    Partnering with others on a shared vision can achieve outcomes that are often beyond the reach of a single organization. Peter supports the development and implementation of coalitions and collaborative initiatives by:

    o Conducting scans of organizations and agencies to involve

    o Facilitating goal setting, shared learning, team building, and action plan development

    o Helping secure funding through grant writing

    o Coordinating implementation

    o Monitoring progress and evaluating results